Would you like to show with us in April or October? Our Community Room is a large room 18' x 30' - with a lot of wall space. We would love to balance our season with more sculptors, or artists who create in 3 dimensions, but anyone who creates locally is welcome.
This is our current line up for 2014:
April - ??
May - Mark Cheney, driftwood and found object sculpture and Morris Grover, Photography
June - Doreen Lindstedt, Watercolor, Cecile LaPointe, watercolor and Steve Lindstedt, metal sculpture
July - Mike Loney, oils and watercolors, Rose Perez, oils, and Donna Ludwig Peterson, oils
August - Anna Gitchel, acrylics and Dorothy Oberholtzer, oil and acrylics
September - Dana Hulburt - Taladamera Fusion
October - ??
If you, or yourself and an artist friend would like to show together in April or November, please e mail Lauren at: l.sus.n@charter.net